Philippine Forest Blooms Jewelry Collection: A Collaboration with Blue Flame Handcrafted

The Philippine Forest Blooms Jewelry Collection is a project with metalsmith Janette de Veyra of Blue Flame Handcrafted . For this collaboration, I made vector graphic illustrations of flowers from Philippine native trees such as Banaba, Katmon, Ilang-Ilang, Malabulak, and Siar which Janette etched on brass jewelry. Each delicate piece is made by hand from start to finish and due to this meticulous process, we could only release a few pieces for each design for the initial batch, with no piece looking exactly alike.
The initial batch composed of 33 pieces was produced through Forest Foundation Philippines‘ support and got sold in just two days. We were then able to quickly transmit 50% of the proceeds from this batch ~ which amounted to P25,000 ~ to Philippine Parks & Biodiversity‘s Support-a-Ranger Program to aid the operations and patrolling of underequipped Ipo Watershed forest guards (read more about the program and also donate to the guards directly here.)

* #ForestBloomsPh Jewelry can be pre-ordered through this Google Form. This collection was initially produced under the #DrawNativeTreesPh initiative. A portion of our proceeds will go to the production of more items that can help spread the advocacy.
* All photos on this page are courtesy of Blue Flame Handcrafted.
* I post most frequently on Instagram, so for a sneak peek at the latest projects (that might take a while to land here), feel free to follow along there! 😉